The Blog

The Eight Home Depot Run Saturday

Have you ever had an Eight Home Depot Run Saturday? If you have, you know exactly what I mean by that. The sink breaks and you foolishly think to yourself, “I can fix that.” So you run down the street having taken no measurements, no pictures and no notes on what actually needs to be…

Sales Team Secrets

Do me a favor, wherever you’re currently at in your business, imagine for a moment that down the road you decide to hire a Director of Sales to take your sales team to the next level. Exciting, right? But now, imagine that before that person even walks through the door, your current sales team leaves.…

The Entrepreneur Overwhelm

As an entrepreneur, you’re probably more than familiar with the entrepreneur overwhelm. You know, the overwhelm that comes from going to events/masterminds and taking courses that leaves you with a million ideas. The overwhelm isn’t having all those ideas, it’s what comes after when you’re trying to figure out not only which ones to implement,…

Why Your Technical Implementer Hates You

I’m not sure if you know this or not, but the chances are good that Technical Implementer that you rely on to do most of the technical stuff for your business hates your guts (even if you are that person for your business). Don’t get me wrong, your Technical Implementer probably enjoys doing the actual…

Customer Experience Importance

How important is Customer Experience for you? Do you ever hit those milestones in life that sparks you to actually do something and take action? Well, that recently happened to me. I turned 30 this past year, and it hit me that I needed to start getting in better shape. So, naturally, I hired a…

How to Leverage Your Infusionsoft App Dashboard Do you know what your Infusionsoft App Dashboard is? Or what purpose it serves? Your Infusionsoft app dashboard may potentially be one of the most valuable tools inside of your Infusionsoft app because it tells you exactly what’s going on in your business. In this episode of SixthDivision TV, one of our coaches is…

How an Entrepreneur Achieved Massive Success With Multiple Businesses How an Entrepreneur Achieved Massive Success. Devin Duncan is an extremely successful entrepreneur. He’s started multiple businesses (Custom Greek Threads, Luxury Monograms, etc.), all of which have achieved massive success. In this episode of SixthDivision TV, we uncover how Devin went from not knowing what an email opt in list was, to building multiple…

The Core vs. The Whole Solution

Hey everyone, Dave Lee here, Co-Founder of SixthDivision with a story about remodeling my kitchen. Recently, we were in the process of remodeling our kitchen at the Lee household. We found this great counter depth fridge that would fit our space perfectly. After purchasing the fridge, we discovered that the ice maker is quite small.…

SixthDivision TV – How to Implement Lead Source Tracking A lead source may be one of the most critical pieces you can track if you’re spending money on marketing. It can give you insights as to whether or not the money you’re spending is worth it, or if you should be directing your funds elsewhere. If you don’t have lead source tracking in…

A Hiking Perspective

A few weeks ago, I shared with you an experience one of our coaches, Clint, had with his barbecue. If you didn’t have a chance to check it out, you can find it here. In the video with Clint, I mentioned that I would share a similar story with you about my experience hiking with…