July, 7, 2014

Announcing SixthDivisionTV!

Welcome to SixthDivisionTV!

Each month, we’ll drop 2-3 episodes, which will cover 1 of 3 topics.

  1. The Interview– This segment will feature small business ballers who have built super successful businesses. They’ll share their secrets of success, and how they use Infusionsoft to grow their business.
  2. The Inspiration – This will highlight entrepreneurs who are “in the trenches” and have found different ways to use Infusionsoft to leverage their business.
  3. The Implementation – This will basically be an Infusionsoft guide to getting it done. This segment will feature different ways you can implement Infusionsoft in your business.

There’s no need to opt-in for anything, you’ll automatically get access to all the episodes.

Catch ya on the first episode!

Posted by Brad Martineau

Word. My name is Brad Martineau (as you can see above…). Couple things you should know about me. I’m married with five kids, I love playing basketball, I’m addicted to fitted hats, and I’m pretty into the whole entrepreneur thing.

Are you ready to turn your business into a lead conversion machine?